QY төрлийн тусгаарлагч гүүрэн кран

The QY insulation overhead crane is mainly for environments where electrical hazards are prevalent, such as non-ferrous metal electrolysis workshops.

  • Өргөх өндөр 12-16 метр
  • Өргөх хүчин чадал 5-50/10 тонн
  • Хүрээ 10.5-31.5 метр
  • Ажлын зэрэг А5-А6

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт

The QY insulation overhead crane is mainly for environments where electrical hazards are prevalent, such as non-ferrous metal electrolysis workshops. It mainly consists of a bridge frame, trolley, traveling mechanism, insulated hook and electrical equipment. To prevent electrical currents from transferring through lifted loads to bridge crane, multiple insulation barriers are installed. This гүүрэн кран is of heavy - duty working system. To ensure safe lifting, the hoisting mechanism has double brakes. All operations are controlled from the cabin control room ensuring precise and secure handling. If you need a reliable solution in such conditions, the insulation overhead crane is an optimal choice.

The main beam usually takes high-strength steel with good mechanical and insulating properties. There is an insulating pad or insulating sleeve between end beams and traveling mechanism to prevent current conduction. And we also set Insulating material between the wheels and the rails. Insulation materials are in key parts of the crane to ensure overall insulation performance.

insulation overhead crane

Үндсэн програм

  • 1. Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting: Safely handles electrolytic processes for aluminum, magnesium, lead, and zinc, where insulation prevents electrical hazards.
  • 2. Power Plants: Especially when handling electrical equipment and components, during the installation or maintenance of generators and transformers.
  • 3. Electrical Manufacturing Factories: These factories produce a variety of electrical products. The QY insualtion overhead crane could move semi - finished or finished electrical products that may carry electrical charges. It prevents any potential short - circuits or electrical accidents during the handling process.

Давуу тал

Excellent Insulation: With multiple insulation barriers, including between the hook and pulley, the lifting mechanism and trolley frame, and between the trolley frame and bridge, effectively isolating electrical currents.

Heavy - Duty Performance: Suitable for heavy duty work systems, it can handle large scale and heavy weight materials, meeting the demanding requirements of non ferrous metal smelting industries.

Dual - Brake Safety: The double - brake design in the hoisting mechanism offers double - layer safety protection, greatly reducing the risk of lifting accidents.

Техникийн параметрүүд

Lifiting CapacityҮндсэн дэгээт50
Туслах. Дэгээт10
Lifiting HeightҮндсэн дэгээм12
Туслах. Дэгээм16
Ажлын зэрэгA6
Өргөх хурдҮндсэн дэгээм/мин7.8
Өргөх хурдТуслах. Дэгээм/мин13.2
Троллейбус явах хурдм/мин38.5
Краны хөдөлгөөний хурдм/мин86.887.3
Max. Wheel PressureкН335357377395410427440455
Нийт хүчкВт131.5139.5
Кран төмөр замыг санал болгож байнаQU80 or 100x100
Эрчим хүчний хангамж3-Phase A C. 380V 50Hz




Өргөх тогорууны мэргэжлийн ханган нийлүүлэгч нь гүүрэн тогоруу, гүүрэн кран, жиб кран, цахилгаан өргүүр гэх мэт үйлдвэрлэлд зориулагдсан.

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