L төрлийн нэг дам нуруутай өргөгч гантри кран 

L type single gantry crane is a flexible and efficient single girder gantry crane for outdoor lifting of materials. The main beam, outriggers and lifting mechanism are its core structure.

  • Хүрээ 16-30 метр
  • Өргөх хүчин чадал 5-10 тонн
  • Өргөх өндөр 6-9 метр

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт

L type single gantry crane is a flexible and efficient single girder gantry crane for outdoor lifting of materials. The main beam, outriggers and lifting mechanism are its core structure. The electric hoist is installed on the main beam as the lifting mechanism. And the lifting and lowering operation of the goods is realized by motor drive. The electric hoist has the characteristics of compact structure and easy operation. This type of gantry crane is a small gantry crane running on rails, and the applicable lifting capacity is 5-10 tons. It has unique applications in loading, unloading or grabbing materials in open spaces and warehouses.

single beam gantry crane


L type single girder hoist gantry crane has many advantages due to its own structural characteristics.

  • Stable structure: The L-shaped structure makes it have high strength and stability to withstand heavy loads and maintain structural stability.
  • Easy operation: It has two modes of ground control and cab control. Thus users can choose the control mode according to their needs.
  • Safe and reliable: It can effectively ensure the safety of lifting operations with complete safety protection devices, such as limiters, overload protection devices, etc..
  • Large span: Its span can reach 12 meters or even larger, so it can carry out efficient lifting operations in a wide venue.

Давуу тал

L type single hoist gantry crane has many advantages due to its own structural characteristics.

  • Stable structure: The L-shaped structure makes it have high strength and stability to withstand heavy loads and maintain structural stability.
  • Easy operation: It has two modes of ground control and cab control. Thus users can choose the control mode according to their needs.
  • Safe and reliable: It can effectively ensure the safety of lifting operations with complete safety protection devices, such as limiters, overload protection devices, etc..
  • Large span: Its span can reach 12 meters or even larger, so it can carry out efficient lifting operations in a wide venue.

Техникийн параметрүүд

Lifting capacity (ton)510
Span (meter)16-30 meters16-30 meter
Lifting height (meter)99
Traveling machanism Traveling speed(m/min)Газар2020




Өргөх тогорууны мэргэжлийн ханган нийлүүлэгч нь гүүрэн тогоруу, гүүрэн кран, жиб кран, цахилгаан өргүүр гэх мэт үйлдвэрлэлд зориулагдсан.

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