Давхар хавтастай шүүрэх

As a mechanical equipment for material handling, the double flap grab is usually in places such as ports, docks, and mines.

  • Нэрлэсэн хүчин чадал 5-~16 тонн
  • Өргөн барих 1-2.4 метр

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт

The double-flap grab normally connects with bridge cranes and gantry cranes. It mainly consists of lifting wire rope, guide rope wheel, fixed pulley and upper bearing beam, movable pulley and lower bearing beam, support rod, bucket, etc.. And the two symmetrical flaps are main parts doing open and close movement. This lifting movements are controlled by steel wire ropes. The opening and closing of the grab achieves by controlling the retraction and release of the four steel wire ropes through the electric trolley system.

As a mechanical equipment for material handling, it is usually in places such as ports, docks, and mines. This grab could perform loading and unloading a large amount of bulk materials. It is capable of grabbing all kinds of loose accumulations for loading, unloading, transportation and other operations.

This type of grab has mature technology. We manufacture the bushings at each hinge point with high-quality bearing steel. Also the edge plate is quite thick, making the grab more durable and longer in its service life.

Because it can effectively adapt to materials of different shapes and sizes and has high working efficiency, it has a wide application range. We also provide customized design to make it applicable to different crane equipment types to achieve a better and ideal lifting task.

 Бүтээгдэхүүний онцлог

  • It can effectively grab irregular shaped materials.
  • It is easy to operate and has low maintenance cost.
  • Compared with single-flab or multi-flab design, the double-petal design features simpler mechanical structure but also ensuring sufficient grip.

Техникийн параметрүүд

Бүтээгдэхүүний нэрDouble-flap Grab
Rated capacity (ton)5-16 ton
Pulley diameter (mm)400-600 mm
Steel wire rope diameter (m)16-24 mm
Grab bucket weight (ton)2.30-7.96 ton
Grab bucket closing height (m)2.8-4.5 meter
Grab bucket opening height (m)3.1-5.3 meter
Grab Width (m)1-2.4 meter




Өргөх тогорууны мэргэжлийн ханган нийлүүлэгч нь гүүрэн тогоруу, гүүрэн кран, жиб кран, цахилгаан өргүүр гэх мэт үйлдвэрлэлд зориулагдсан.

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